I made a huge mistake today, and I have to get it out.

Kinja'd!!! "AndersSim - V10'ING" (anderssim)
01/15/2014 at 10:12 • Filed to: None

Kinja'd!!!2 Kinja'd!!! 26

So today, I was driving home with a few friends, the car was basically stuffed with people, 2 girls and 3 guys. I was at a intersection were I had to turn left and cross the road of oncoming traffic, I was involved in a discussion in the car, so I wasn't paying fully attention to the road, which resulted in me overseeing a white sedan, this meant that I, without thinking proceeded through the intersection and I were maybe 30-40 centimeters from getting T-boned by the Sedan which had a speed of 60+.... Luckily we survived with a chock, and me being speechless in 40 minutes afterwards.

I just needed to get this of my chest, and to warn everyone, to always, ALWAYS have your eyes on the road even though you are in a interesting conversation with the girl who you are flirting with!

To the guy in the white sedan, I'M EXTREMELY SORRY, and thank you, that you had your eyes on the road ad weren't an imbecile as me.


Kinja'd!!! Brian, The Life of > AndersSim - V10'ING
01/15/2014 at 10:17


We've all been there. The lucky ones like you and me learn this lesson by way of a close call. You've learned so it's all good.

Kinja'd!!! timateo81 > AndersSim - V10'ING
01/15/2014 at 10:17


you are forgiven. last week i turned left in front of an oncoming car (as light turned green), and honked at HER for being in my way. we all make mistakes.

Kinja'd!!! AndersSim - V10'ING > Brian, The Life of
01/15/2014 at 10:21


I indeed have learned, and I have never said the word sorry as many times as I did to my 4 friends.

Kinja'd!!! EL_ULY > AndersSim - V10'ING
01/15/2014 at 10:26


Almost happened to me yesterday, that type of event hasn't happened to me in a long while. We are not perfect. Even 99.99% still means you fuck up once in 1000 times.

I was in a right turn only lane and traffic was heavy. This oooold lady in a 90's Buick was being extra cautious and never took off. Traffic was getting backed up behind me and that's when I messed up and took my eyes off of her in front of me and towards the oncoming traffic. Finally the last car passed by and the lady (I thought) started to pull away. I looked to the left and one last car was going to pass so I can finally get going. I started to move and when I turned my head forward SHE WAS STILL THERE!!! I came like 2 mm from hear ending her hard. I was positive she took off but she didn't. I hate that feeling. I rear ended some lady in my 95 M3 the same way. Extra triple cautious drivers and slow drivers don't mix well in the morning rush.

Kinja'd!!! AndersSim - V10'ING > EL_ULY
01/15/2014 at 10:29


Glad to hear I'm not the only one being unfocused! But at least nothing happen to the old lady, thank god. And thank you for sharing your story man! It kinda helps me getting over the chock.

Kinja'd!!! mycarneverruns87 > EL_ULY
01/15/2014 at 10:29


I have done that exactly two times and remember them vividly. Very frustrating when you realize how simple the action is and how easily an accident can happen.

Kinja'd!!! Frank Grimes > AndersSim - V10'ING
01/15/2014 at 10:31


You must pay your fine to the oppo gods and then your sins will be absolved.

SR20 on any of these is suggested.

This payment can be made in the form of:

1. Burnouts

2. Donuts

3. High speed gravel road blasts.

4. Repairing a vehicle

Many other forms of payment are accepted but as of yet have not been established by the oppo community of saints.

Kinja'd!!! MontegoMan562 is a Capri RS Owner > AndersSim - V10'ING
01/15/2014 at 10:36


Man, I really think we've all been there. Or done something like that.

I was on my way to traffic court as I was requested to testify about the jackass how rear ended me. What did I do on the way there? almost this exact thing! I almost had to go to traffic court TWICE! lol

Kinja'd!!! EL_ULY > AndersSim - V10'ING
01/15/2014 at 10:41


yeah dude, I truly believe we (opponauts and Jalops) are better drivers than most of the general public, but it happens sometimes man. Really glad it was kept to just a scare :]

Kinja'd!!! DatASSun > AndersSim - V10'ING
01/15/2014 at 10:41


But if she had big tits ..

Kinja'd!!! ttyymmnn > AndersSim - V10'ING
01/15/2014 at 10:44


You're fortunate. I'm glad you learned your lesson without anybody getting hurt.

Kinja'd!!! Korea Miéville > EL_ULY
01/15/2014 at 10:55


I did this once to a minivan that for some reason didn't turn when they "should" have, and I was looking to the left, not paying attention and just sort of assumed they had turned. The worst part is feeling so dumb for screwing up like that!

Another screwup in the same general family — backing up for whatever reason (on the street or in a drive-thru with cars behind you) and forgetting to take the car out of reverse. That feeling when you step on the gas and you go backward....almost as bad as being the poor driver behind you....

Kinja'd!!! AndersSim - V10'ING > EL_ULY
01/15/2014 at 10:57


Me too man, this is also the only scare i have ever had in the 6 years of my license. Damn i have been lucky!

Kinja'd!!! EL_ULY > mycarneverruns87
01/15/2014 at 10:59


I know right, that make you feel worse

Kinja'd!!! Meatcoma > Frank Grimes
01/15/2014 at 11:00


Or SR20 of the distraction.

Kinja'd!!! EL_ULY > AndersSim - V10'ING
01/15/2014 at 11:03


That's good man. I'm sure your record is also clean like Windex on glass. You also reminded me that this year is going to be my 10th year of driving (legally) :]

Kinja'd!!! Korea Miéville > AndersSim - V10'ING
01/15/2014 at 11:04


I try — try — to remember incidents like this when I'm on the road and another driver does something careless or dangerous. That other driver is more than likely just like me — a driver who tries to be safe and conscientious, but once in a while screws up and does something idiotic. But my impulse is to condemn that other driver as a reprehensible bastard who should have their license revoked. We want mercy for ourselves, and justice for others!

Kinja'd!!! Guy Meurice > AndersSim - V10'ING
01/15/2014 at 11:16


At least you're aware of your mistake and are therefore able to learn from it. Far too many people, particularly car guys, will laugh it off or ignore it to save their ego.

That's the dangerous thing to do.

Kinja'd!!! BJ > AndersSim - V10'ING
01/15/2014 at 11:41


In my early 20s, I once drove clean through a red light with a car full of friends after a night out. I was the designated driver, and therefore sober, but with all the conversation going on I just simply didn't pay enough attention. Thank goodness it was late at night and the downtown core was quiet.

When I was 16 I delivered parts for a Ford dealership and nearly t-boned a car while doing ~ 60 km/h, in the company truck, just 'cause I wanted to see how fast I could do one of my regular runs. I was turning left and I didn't see the oncoming car because he fell into the blind spot created by the rearview mirror. I blew through the stop sign and missed him by maybe 3 feet. I nearly shit my pants, and never, ever did that again...

We all get lucky at one point, but even good luck runs out. Be careful out there.

Kinja'd!!! mycarneverruns87 > EL_ULY
01/15/2014 at 11:41



Kinja'd!!! Schnell! > AndersSim - V10'ING
01/15/2014 at 13:29


Back in undergrad I convinced my roommate to let me drive his massively over-boosted GTI and pretend I was Walter Rohrl on a logging road in northern MN. All fun and games until I came over a blind hill at 80mph, face to face with a suburban going the other way. E-Brake, oppo-steer, downshift and a little luck and we slid sideways past him. No one said a word for the next three miles. We were exceedingly lucky and I still can't fathom why or how I knew to do that move.

Kinja'd!!! AndersSim - V10'ING > Schnell!
01/15/2014 at 14:14


Don't know where you are from, but where I'm from, its mandatory to learn how to OUT-skid a car on a course, the whole set takes around 3 hours with drifting, stopping, and avoiding quickly

Kinja'd!!! Vee Ate Injun > EL_ULY
01/15/2014 at 14:19


same thing happened to me three months ago in my beast/baby, except i actually made contact with the car in front of me ("FAAAAAAAAKKKK!").

coming upon stopped traffic the light turned green and the other lanes started moving and i assumed the car in front of me would too, but she didn't, and i gave her car a small 'love tap' resulting in a golf ball-sized dent in her Benz' bumper. the stupid thing is my immediate reaction was to run, but luckily the neanderthal part of my brain let the civilized part take over and I exchanged insurance info with the driver. the odd part afterwards was that she never responded to my insurance company so they closed the case without any action being taken. not sure why she didn't follow through, but perhaps i'm off the hook on this one with a painful lesson and my beast in need of paint touch-up on the nose.

Kinja'd!!! Vee Ate Injun > AndersSim - V10'ING
01/15/2014 at 14:29


i will always remember the two incidents early in my driving history. the first was a minor accident when i stupidly turned left in front of an oncoming car. low speed hit, but they claimed "neck pain" afterwards to my insurance company (they dropped me as a result). i was young but learned never again to take unnecessary risks like betting i'll make the left turn before the other car.

the other incident happened before i got my license when i was driving home on my street at a normal/legal speed and a kid jumped out into the street in front of me. the kid stepped back at the last second and i must have missed him by inches. it happened so quickly that i didn't even get a chance to react - it was the kid's quick reflexes that saved us both. by the time i reacted and honked, the kid was in my rearview mirror. i realized how bad that could have ended. as a result, i try not to drive on residential streets if i don't have to, like for shortcuts or whatever. i just want to reduce the chances of that ever happening again...

Kinja'd!!! EL_ULY > Vee Ate Injun
01/15/2014 at 14:42


I don't blame you. if it wasn't a noticable type of hit that you honestly think that they didn't feel , i'd also probably would of been like "meh, they probably notice, bye bye sucka!" lol. Odd they there was no follow up to that. Lesson learned is what's important :]

Kinja'd!!! Schnell! > AndersSim - V10'ING
01/16/2014 at 12:03


From Minnesota, and I was having this very conversation with my father last night while we were driving in a snowstorm... no compulsory vehicle inspections, no emissions tests, no compulsory drivers exams after the first road test you take at 16 yrs old. Drivers are woefully under-prepared for the conditions here.